We are especially enthusiastic about our Middle School Junior Guide Program for campers entering 6th through 8th grade in the Fall.
Read on about the program and our NEW (optional) CAMP OVERNIGHT for Junior Guides and H.S. Guides-in-Training.
WHY SHOULD YOUR MIDDLE SCHOOLER JOIN US? Junior guides participate in all the fun, energetic and creative experiences of camp--but in a special "older camper" role and they get to design programs they want to lead at camp.
Junior Guides participate in all Camp Wildcraft daily activities: hiking, fort-building, art making, swimming (at MUSE), exploring the creek (at Sycamore) playing big games, cooking, theater and more!
They form a peer group and have times where they meet together to be mentored by our team to identify and channel their strengths, skills and interests. Junior Guides receive a green camp t-shirt which identifies their new role.
Junior Guides build leadership skills by helping and befriending younger campers, being a role model and planning and leading special activities for all our campers, including our big all-camp program Friday afternoons.
We meet kids where they are. Some middle schoolers want to take on more leadership, some are growing into that role; we give them opportunities as they are ready.
Campers of all ages UNPLUG and have exuberant time to explore and interact with the wild places around us.
We are a camp that values caring and kindness and we live this daily in our warm, attentive camp community.
We know kids this age benefit from opportunities where they can feel connection, safely challenge themselves and grow new skills. In our Junior Guide Program campers have experiences that develop new competencies which lead to greater confidence. They grow a sense of belonging to each other, our older Guides, our camp community and the wild and natural world.
AND WE’RE HAVING A CAMP-OUT! NEW THIS SUMMER: We’re having a camp overnight for all our Junior Guides from both our MUSE and Sycamore locations. The date, details and fee are still being finalized, but we are planning an optional one night camp-out mid-July at our MUSE location from Friday 4pm to Saturday at Noon. We will be camping out in the field, making meals together, taking an evening swim, and having adventures together. It will be open to all Junior Guides and GITs who have signed up for any week during the summer. We will be sending more information in the coming weeks!
HAVE A CAMPER ENTERING HIGH SCHOOL? Our Wildcraft Guide-in-Training Program (G.I.T) provides opportunities for high school students entering grades 9 through 12 to volunteer at camp for community service hours. There is an application process, but if accepted no fee to participate. Prospective GITs must like working with kids and and commit to a minimum of two full weeks of camp. GITs bring their interests and skills to Camp Wildcraft each day, help set up and lead activities with our counselors, are caring and attentive guides for our younger Wildcrafters. Community service credit id provided if needed. High School Students: Please complete application here to apply. Parents: Please complete the parent waiver here
We hope to see your kids at camp! If you have questions about either of these programs email Shari at [email protected] or call/text us at 818-489-3862.